With this beautiful GPS NAVIGATOR SMailo HD, you don't get lost, have no trouble reading maps, but using the Naviogation System Smailo HD 4.3 is sure a lot easier, especially when traveling alone. You can’t compare it with other GPS navigators, but you found it generally easy to use, and though the first look at it seemed rather complicated, you found you needed to check the manual (online, not with the product) only once or twice to pretty much figure out everything.
The maps are key features in a navigator. Tested it in my own “backyard” and it took me on some routes I wouldn’t have, but which I should have, chosen. In other cases, it picked some of my favorite tricky shortcut routes that I thought it would never find. Most interesting was the time I asked it to return home by the most economical way, and it twisted and turned until we were on rarely used dirt roads through the woods. Exciting in its way, but a bit scary if it had been at night or in unknown territory.
On another trip from a hotel to some destination, it took busy streets and highways to the Inn, but the return route was a beautiful route.


“Solutia de monitorizare a flotei TrackGPS a adus multe beneficii companiei noastre printre care amintesc pe cele mai importante: reducerea costurilor prin urmarirea traseelor si optimizarea lor, astfel reducand timpul de interventie al echipelor, reducerea consumului de carburant cu 25% si implicit si a cheltuielilor de intretinere a flotei.
Un alt beneficiu ar fi comportamentul decent al soferilor la volan, folosirea corespunzatoare a masinilor incredintate (prin accesarea raportului de viteza si top viteza) si doar pe traseele aprobate”
Dorel Voicu - Coordonator parc auto, RCS&RDS

“Suntem foarte multumiti de functionarea solutiei TrackGPS care ne usureaza mult activitatea logistica, putand localiza in orice moment autovehiculele aflate pe teren si obtine de informatii importante cu ajutorul rapoartelor care se pot genera automat (rapoarte de consum, stationare, viteze, top viteze, depasiri de viteza, abateri de la ruta, tahograf digital si altele).
Recomandam solutia TrackGPS firmelor care au un parc auto si doresc un management performant al flotei, eliminarea cazurilor de viteza excesiva si uzura a flotei auto."
Viorel Ionica - Director Comercial, SOCERAM

“Ca beneficii imediate obtinute ca urmare a instalarii echipamentelor de monitorizare prin GPS/GPRS putem aminti reducerea cu aprox. 25% a costurilor cu carburantii si cresterea veniturilor obtinute din activitatea de inchiriere a macaralelor datorita facturarii exacte a orelor de functionare a utilajelor inchiriate, a orelor de munca efectiva la client.
Un alt beneficiu este posibilitatea onorarii prompte a oricaror comenzi primite de la clienti, tot procesul de inchiriere facandu-se mult mai rapid (in maxim 24 de ore) oriunde pe teritoriul Romaniei.”
Cristian Deme - Director Vanzari, DEME MACARALE Oradea